Thomas Woods has written many books and many of them are garbage. He basically questions every positive mention of various minorities in American history in is stinker of a book called" 33 Questions About American History Your Not Suppose To Ask". This is a book where he says these things taught in history books are totally false and meant to mislead children. He questions the friendly Indian Squanto in helping the pilgrims to the knowledge of George Washington Carver. He makes the usual statements that the civil war was not about slavery and that states rights against centralization was the crucial cause and terrible defeat that we still face to this day.
Perhaps Thomas Woods doesn't include Indians as human beings back then just animal kill like Coyote and Cougar. What an asshole.only a far center Libertarian with a total disdain for minority rights,government aid,and worker power would write a book like this where only issues to further brainwash libertarian mindsets to revise a factual accounts of this nations history to fit their modern paranoia visions that threaten their economical agendas.
Thomas Woods is a total libertarian and many do in fact share a totally revisionist account of American history and what is taught in the textbooks. This basically is the main motivation of this book as Woods questions just about all that is taught about American history. He only lists thirty three things that he says you are not suppose to question a teacher about in the public schools he so dismays, but the fact is anything that doesn't fit the agenda his like feels is questionable. I imagine for a prick like Thomas Woods there are likely thousands of things he would have taken out in American history so people like him should never have to worry about losing power/wealth. The way he disses Native Americans in this wretched book you would think Woods is still fighting Indians in his backyard. Tis is. Guy who thinks and writes that the Wild West was to a violent place and that's all bullshit from Hollywood. There were only five murders in Deadwood in 1884 he says he researched as if that is somehow a reliable number and all killings of folks were documented like they are today.
Thomas Woods is a total libertarian and many do in fact share a totally revisionist account of American history and what is taught in the textbooks. This basically is the main motivation of this book as Woods questions just about all that is taught about American history. He only lists thirty three things that he says you are not suppose to question a teacher about in the public schools he so dismays, but the fact is anything that doesn't fit the agenda his like feels is questionable. I imagine for a prick like Thomas Woods there are likely thousands of things he would have taken out in American history so people like him should never have to worry about losing power/wealth. The way he disses Native Americans in this wretched book you would think Woods is still fighting Indians in his backyard. Tis is. Guy who thinks and writes that the Wild West was to a violent place and that's all bullshit from Hollywood. There were only five murders in Deadwood in 1884 he says he researched as if that is somehow a reliable number and all killings of folks were documented like they are today.